Thanks for shopping at .
If you are not entirely satisfied with your order, we're here to help.

We at take pride in our customer satisfaction. Therefore, we endeavour to provide only the best quality food to meet the tastes of our customers. To this end, in the rare situation where your order has not been delivered, we will issue you a full refund for your order. In the event your order has been incorrectly delivered or the order is incomplete, we will provide you a partial refund for the missing item.

Please bear in mind that we do not provide refunds for the cancellation of any new orders as we begin processing and preparing your gelato immediately upon receipt of your order. We prepare every gelato ordered based after your confirmation payment, therefore, the gelato cannot simply be resold should you cancel at the last moment and would go to waste.

Refund Process
If you have an issue with your delivery/product quality, please contact us immediately and inform us of your complaint via our contact number or email. Upon assessment of your complaint, should we confirm that you are owed a refund, we will provide you with further details on processing your refunds.